Ministers fulfilling the great commission

WORLD BIBLE WAY FELLOWSHIP, INC. is an associated Fellowship of Ministers, Missionaries, Christian workers and Churches throughout the world.

This corporation is organized as a non-profit and its prime, principle and all pervading purpose is to promote the Christian faith and gospel throughout the world.  

This organization traces its history to the International Fundamental Christian Association, first recognized as a proposed religious corporation in the District of Columbia shortly after June 1943, and later incorporated in Texas.



I. THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD, verbally inspired in the original writings. (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21)

II. THE HOLY TRINITY composed of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, with all power vested in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Co-existant, Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. (Deut. 6:4,5; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Luke 1:35; John 1:14)

III. THE SALVATION OF MAN - Through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ, man is saved by the washing of regeneration, whereupon he is born again, and being justified by grace, through faith, he becomes an heir of God. (John 3:3,5,7; Titus 2:11; 3:5,7 etc) The inward evidence is a witness of the Spirit (Rom. 8:16). The outward evidence is a life of righteousness.

IV. ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION is the will of God for all believers, and should be earnestly pursued by walking in obedience to God's Word. 2 Timothy 2: 14-25, John 17: 17-19, I Thessalonians 4: 1-8, Romans 6:1-23, Philippians 1:6, 2 Peter 1:2-4, Colossians 3:1-3, Hebrews 9:14

V.  BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST - There is, for every believer whose heart has been cleansed, an endowment of power for service, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, according to Acts 2:4 and 10:44-48 etc.

VI. SPIRITUAL GIFTS - If we abide in Him, it is possible to have the 'signs following', and the spiritual gifts spoken of in Corinthians, operating in the Church. I Corinthians 12:1-31, Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:7-16

VII. HEALING IN THE ATONEMENT.  'Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses,' and 'with His stripes we are healed.' (Isaiah 53:5)  It is our privilege to lay hands on the sick and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord and 'the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.'

VIII. THE PRE-MILLENNIAL REIGN OF OUR LORD - The rapture of the prepared saints, the great tribulation, the return of our Lord with His saints in power and great glory to reign upon the earth a thousand years. (1 Thess. 3:14-17; Matt. 25:31; Acts 1:11; Rev. 20:4; Jude 14,15)

IX. THE RESURRECTION of the crucified body of our Lord. The resurrection of the just before the thousand years, and the unjust after the thousand years. (Acts 2:22-24; Rom. 8:34; Dan. 12:2,3; Rev. 20:4,5)

X. HEAVEN AND HELL. The everlasting blessedness and reward of the righteous, and the everlasting punishment of the wicked. (Matt. 26:46; Rev. 2:8; Luke 16:19-25)

XI. ORDINANCES. The Lord's supper should be observed. (Luke 22:19,20; 1 Cor. 11:23-26)  Water Baptism by immersion, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to His command, 'In the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.; (Matt. 28:19; 3:15-17;Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3-4

XII. THE CHURCH  is the body of Christ, the habitation of God through the Spirit, with divine appointments for its Great Commission. Each believer, born of the Spirit, is an integral part of the general assembly and church of the First Born which are written in Heaven (Heb. 12:23; Eph. 1:22,23; 2:22) A divinely called and Scripturally qualified ministry has been provided by our Lord for the evangelizing of the world, and the edifying of the body of Christ (Mark 16:15-20)




What We Are

WORLD BIBLE WAY FELLOWSHIP, INC. is an associated Fellowship of Ministers, Missionaries, and Churches throughout the world. This corporation is organized as a non-profit and its prime, principle and all pervading purpose is to promote the Christian faith and gospel throughout the world. This organization traces its history to the International Fundamental Christian Association, first recognized as a proposed religious corporation in the District of Columbia shortly after June 1943, and later incorporated in Texas.


The Fellowship is formed for the following purposes: 1. To promote fellowship, cooperation, protection, recognition, and propagation of the Christian gospel at home and abroad, and for the support of public worship. 2. To license and ordain ministers as may be deemed expedient or necessary. 3. To act as beneficiary on all kinds of insurance policies and wills. 4. To establish churches, auxiliaries, clubs, schools and societies of a religious nature. 5. To print, publish, distribute and sell books, tapes, magazines, and other literature in any way connected with the purpose of this corporation. 6. To do any and all things reasonably necessary to carry out the above and foregoing purposes.


1. To build up one another in the most holy faith. 2. To "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints." (Jude 1:3) 3. To grant each local unit, whether Fellowship Church or Institution, absolute sovereignty to handle its local affairs, and each minister the right to carry out his or her individual vision as God directs. 4. To provide a voluntary, cooperative basis of fellowship for various local fellowships, churches, christian workers, ministers and institutions who believe the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, and to assist one another in carrying out the command of the Master to evangelize the world.

Fellowship Operation

The vision of this Fellowship is to serve as a spiritual covering of ministerial pastoral care, fellowship, nurturing and empowerment to its members throughout the world; to encourage, share wisdom and experience to the hearts of pastors who have no one else to whom they can turn. The holding of any properties, or any legal phase of the Fellowship, is vested in a Board of Trustees, who come into their office by appointment as God directs. The Board of Trustees consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and others as is deemed needful and advantageous. The President has the responsibility of directing the affairs of the Fellowship. There will be a meeting of the Board of Trustees at least once a year. Inasmuch as the President and Vice-President must work in close harmony, the President has the privilege to nominate, with the approval of the Board, the Vice-President. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President will assume the office of the Presidency. All other vacancies will be filled by appointment of the President with the approval and confirmation of the Board. The members of the Board of Trustees serve the Fellowship indefinitely as its governing head, only being dismissed in the event he or she departs from the faith, or deliberately goes into sin, or by choice, or being led of God desires to enter other fields of ministry. To further promote the Fellowship, capable leaders who have the good will of ministers and churches in their locality will be appointed by the Board of Trustees to be recognized as Regional Representatives. The constituency cannot endorse the radical theories and dogmas which are set forth by many of the denominational sects of today, which tend only to split and divide God's people. We are willing to fellowship with all clean Christians who are contending for love and the principle of Christ. But we cannot, and will not endorse or set our approval upon radical teachings which split and divide the Body of Christ.

Credentialing Process

Those desiring to affiliate with the World Bible Way Fellowship, Inc. will, upon completion of an application provided by the home office, be recommended by two or more ordained Fellowship members or an affiliated Fellowship church. Such worthy individuals will receive proper credentials signed by the President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Fellowship. The Board of Trustees is empowered to grant credentials to such worthy ministers who have been ordained or licensed with other organizations before applying to the Fellowship, who are properly recommended. The local church is urged to exercise good judgement in the examination of applicants, and at no time are they to recommend them for credentials unless the church is convinced that God has called the applicant to a definite ministry, and that the applicant is living a consecrated life, and has a proven ministry. For those with no previous ministerial training or experience, but who feel the call of God on their life for Christian service, it is recommended that they be issued a Christian Worker's certificate and at a later date be issued a Ministerial License after having established a proven ministry. Licensed ministers actively engaged in full time ministry for two years may then apply for Ordination. To be eligible for membership, all applicants must annually subscribe to the Statement of Faith. The Certificate of Fellowship bears the corporate seal of the Fellowship. Be it thoroughly understood that the Trustees of the Fellowship assume no obligation for the ministry, life and conduct of the ministers holding credentials with the Fellowship, but according to the Scriptures, each minister is responsible to the congregation to which they minister or attend. Be it further understood, that this Fellowship does not condone loose living, and unethical practices by any of its ministers. We insist that all ministers opening new works give due consideration to any existing local churches and their pastors, that their interest be kept inviolate.


It is the financial plan of the Fellowship that all Ordained/Licensed Ministers and Christian Workers pay $150.00 per year. Fee is to be paid in advance with the application for credential and are renewable each year.


All charges presented against a Licensed or Ordained minister or christian worker must be sustained by two or more witnesses. Such accusation must be in writing, signed by the accuser and sent through the mail. Then an official, unbiased committee from the local church where the charge is made shall investigate such charge and adjust matters where possible. In the event said local committee can not adjust such case, a committee of two or more nearby ministers may be called upon to assist in such investigation either by the accused minister, or the ones making the charge. In extreme cases, where matters can not be settled locally, they may be referred or appealed to the Board of Trustees, which is empowered to take the final action in such cases, and when necessary revoke credentials. In cases where charges are preferred against an evangelist, who has no local church from which a local committee can justly be chosen to investigate his case and adjust matters, his case will be dealt with by the Board of Trustees.

Church/Ministry/Organization Affiliation

Any Church, Bible Institute, Church School, Mission Station, etc. desiring to be affiliated with the Fellowship must subscribe to the Statement of Faith and be in harmony with the Purposes and Objectives of the Fellowship. Application for affiliation should be sent to the headquarters of the Fellowship. A one time fee of $150.00, for church/ministry/organization, must accompany all applications for affiliation. Thereafter, affiliated churches/ministries/organizations automatically renew annually when the affiliated pastor/founder renews. No church/ministry/organization may be affiliated without the pastor/founder being affiliated.


Churches, Institutions and Associations becoming affiliated with World Bible Way Fellowship, Inc. may be independent, self-governing, own their own property, choose their own name and call their own pastors, or leaders as God may direct. Each local cooperative work may have its local trustees and incorporate locally, if desired, with said local trustees and their successors holding the property in trust. We suggest each pastor or founder of said ministry be Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Tithes & Contributions

We accept tithing as God's plan through the ages for the support of the ministry and the carrying on of God's work; therefore, we urge that tithing be taught and that all ministers pay tithes as God may prosper. We urge all ministers to contribute regularly to the General Fund. It will be disbursed, as stated, to further the mission of this Fellowship.

Missionary Program

Money for Missions, whether Home or Foreign, is kept in a separate fund and goes to the mission field 100%. No money is taken from this fund for anything other than missions. Requests for missionary funds given to be designated for a certain field will be honored. All undesignated funds will be sent where most needed. All WBWFI churches are requested to support the Fellowship Missionary program to the best of their ability.

Disbursement of Funds

All monies, except that sent in for missions, will be placed into a General Fund from which all operating expenses will be paid. This includes office expenses such as stationary, postage, printing, publishing of THE EVENTS, office personnel salaries, etc. Only the necessary expenses that go to carry on the work of the Fellowship will be met from this fund. The Trustees will, from time to time, see that a full and complete financial report is made so that everyone can see where all money comes from and how it is spent. The Trustees will hire office personnel as needed to care for all office work in general. The President is empowered to use the Fellowship seal and sign all credentials and legal papers of the Fellowship under the sanction of the Board of Trustees.


Download Statement of Facts




It all started when…


In 1943, Rev. Guy Shields met with a group of 35 other ministers to form a ministry group of ministers with a shared vision of reaching the world with the great commission.

First called the International Fundamental Christian Association, The organization was headquartered in Oklahoma City for the first two years, Then moved to Dallas, Texas

In coming to Dallas the headquarters was established with the Bible Way Seminary, Inc. which was the Bible Institute of the Fundamental Christian Association. Due to Texas law the two organizations merged forming a new charter and became World Bible Way Fellowship, Inc.

Rev. Shields traveled across the United States, bringing in ministers and Churches to this fledgling organization. He purchased the property and built the first office of the Fellowship with a small handful of volunteers. Until his passing in 1962, Guy Shields was relentless in his pursuit of building an organization that would teach, support and license Pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and teachers.


World Bible Way Fellowship, Inc. is an associated fellowship of ministers, missionaries, Christian workers and Churches throughout the world.

This corporation is organized, not for profit and it’s prime, principle and all-pervading purpose is to promote and propagate the Christian faith and gospel throughout the world. In addition, it’s principle purpose is to promote fellowship, cooperation, protection and recognition and propagation of the Christian gospel at home and abroad and for the purpose of public worship. To ordain ministers and Christian workers to any and all as may be deemed expedient or necessary.

To build up one another in the most holy faith and earnestly contend for the faith. Its churches or institutions are to be absolute sovereignty to handle their own affairs and gives each minister to carry out, his or her, individual vision as God directs. And to assist one another in carrying out the command of the Master to evangelize the world.

To date the WBWF has had the honor to be led by 6 phenomenal Presidents.

Founder, Bishop Guy Shields (1943-1962)

Guy Shields is a man who had become somewhat of a legend during his life. Born on a homestead outside of Jacksboro, Texas in North Texas.
He was a committed man determined to make the most of the call of God on his life. He was a Church planter, moving from town to town throughout the south, the west coast, and on up to Washington state. He preached on street corners, tents, houses, or anywhere he could be accommodated.
Brother Shields felt strongly about the importance of training new ministers before they went out into the ministry they were called into. He started Bible schools in Topeka, Kansas; Amarillo, Texas; Ft. Worth, Texas; and was one of the founders of Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas. He was the first President of Southwestern Assemblies of God University.
Guy Shields left the Assemblies of God movement he was so closely ministering through, to start a new ministers organization dedicated to helping and supporting fellow ministers wherever the could be found.
Guy Shields died actually preaching behind the Pulpit while traveling through New England in 1962.

Rev. Albert Daly (1962-1974)

Dr. Dan Hope (1974-2010)

Dr. Dan Hope served as President of World Bible Way Fellowship for 38 years. We pay tribute to him by reflecting on his life. It is not how did he die, but rather how did he live? Not what did he gain, but what did he give? These are the merits used to measure the worth of a man. Not how did he live, but what did he give? Only eternity will reveal the number of lives that were touched by this man of God. Bro. Hope you will be missed by all who knew and loved you. We look forward to seeing you on the other side.
Today, I would draw our attention to the apostle Paul’s farewell message to his young follower in the faith; his message to Timothy found in II Timothy 4: 6-8: I say this to you because I won’t be around to help you very much longer. My time has almost run out. Very soon now I will be on my way to heaven. I have fought long and hard for my Lord. And through it all I have kept true to him. And now the time has come for me to stop fighting and rest. In heaven a crown is waiting for me which the Lord, the righteous Judge will give me on that great day of His return. And, not just to me, but to all those whose lives show that they are eagerly looking forward to His coming again.
Just as Paul left us with a message of encouragement, I believe Dr. Hope would say to each of us; First, to keep your mind on the day of the Lord’s appearing and to preach Jesus with unceasing diligence. Second, proclaim victory, as a battle scarred warrior of the cross and declared himself a winner, I have finished the race, and
I have won. Finally, before kneeling beneath the executioner’s blade, Paul proclaimed, let it be known they may sever my head from my body but they can never separate me from the love of God which I have in Christ Jesus. Just as Paul was a conqueror, I am a conqueror, because Jesus conquered death and because He lives I live.

Dr. Kenneth Howe (2011-2019)

Dr. Kenneth K Howe ministered for more than 60 years. He was known for his unique presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He preached the Word of God in 6 countries on 3 continents and throughout the United States. 

Dr. Howe was a graduate of Zion Bible College in East Providence, Rhode Island. He taught Theology and Biblical Doctrine at Export Bible College in Pittsburgh, PA. He pastored churches in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. He was the founding pastor of Bethel Temple Church in Bridgeport, West Virginia. He ministered as an evangelist for 10 years.   

Dr. Howe and his wife, Rhea, traveled extensively throughout the United States preaching in rallies and conferences, singing, playing his golden trumpet  and ministering to ministers, many of whom say he was their pastor.

Dr. thomas r. calk (2019-2021)

Dr. Thomas R. Calk, affectionately known as “Pastor Tom,” age 70, passed from this life to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday, March 5, 2021 at Paris Regional Medical Center in Paris, Texas.

He began his ministry in 1966 while he was a sophomore in high school at age 16. He was exhorted with the Assemblies of God in 1966, received his Ministerial License in 1968 and ordained in 1974. He was a youth evangelist at revivals in churches of all regions, youth camps, crusades, conventions, and rallies. As years passed, he was an evangelist, teacher, lecturer, speaker and preacher in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Israel, and 27 foreign countries. Simultaneously, he served offices in the Assemblies of God on Sectional, District, Regional, and General Council National Levels. He received his AA Degree in 1983 and his BA in 1990 from Berean College. He received his Masters Degree from North Carolina College of Theology in 2000, and his Doctorate of Theology in 2007.

In 1992 he resigned as Senior Pastor at First Assembly of God and pioneered The Lighthouse Family Church of Paris as an inter-denominational congregation. From the old Red Barn Steakhouse, the church has grown with a new auditorium and educational wing being added. He then purchased the original Burrows convenience store and gas station and turned it into the church’s Activities Building and Fellowship Hall. Then, in 2004 the church had grown large enough to need to build the gymnasium. He was elected to the Board of World Bible Way Fellowship in 2000 and was made the President of the Fellowship in 2019, a role that he took very much pride in. His constant communication and outreach phone calls caused the fellowship to grow tremendously over the past year and half, spreading into several other countries. Pastor Tom has always been dedicated to serving people, devoted to his wife and family, a proud American, and had a strong love for his fellow-man.

Rev. j. bryan chance (2021)

Bryan Chance was inducted as the 6th President of the World Bible Way Fellowship in June 2021.  Bryan’s history with WBWF runs deep as his parents, James & Marie Chance, have served in the Fellowship for over 60 years.  Since 1992 Bryan has been licensed & ordained with the WBWF.  He holds a degree in Theology with an emphasis on Pastoral Leadership and also serves as the Pastor of Bible Way Tabernacle in Balch Springs, Texas.  Bryan’s additional work as the Chaplain for the Balch Springs Police Department, extends the ministry of the Church directly to the first responders.  With a deep passion for reaching the lost, sharing the Word and discipling the believer, Bryan is excited to work on behalf of WBWF to fulfill the mission of the Gospel by serving those who minister. 




The World Bible Way Fellowship would not exist if not for the intense amount of labor put in by its early ministers. Ministry is impossible without unity. Jesus prayed to his Father in John 17 that we be united. To that end, the World Bible Way Fellowship was formed.

Scroll through Gallery below to see the first issue of Events Magazine.




J. Bryan Chance, President

Rory Cobbs Sr., Vice President

J. Bryan Chance, president, Balch Springs, Texas

Bryan Chance was inducted as the 6th President of the World Bible Way Fellowship in June 2021. Bryan’s history with WBWF runs deep as his parents, James & Marie Chance, have served in the Fellowship for over 60 years. Since 1992 Bryan has been licensed & ordained with the WBWF. He holds a degree in Theology with an emphasis on Pastoral Leadership and also serves as the Pastor of Bible Way Tabernacle in Balch Springs, Texas. Bryan’s additional work as the Chaplain for the Balch Springs Police Department, extends the ministry of the Church directly to the first responders. With a deep passion for reaching the lost, sharing the Word and discipling the believer, Bryan is excited to work on behalf of WBWF to fulfill the mission of the Gospel by serving those who minister.

PASTOR RORY COBBS, Vice President, BELLeVUE, Nebraska

Pastor Rory Cobbs, Sr. along with his wife Char, currently pastor the New Beginnings Worship Center in Bellevue Nebraska (since 1999). Rory committed his life to Jesus Christ in September of 1975 and has been serving in several capacities of ministry for over 46 years. He has served as Evangelist; Worship Leader; Musician; Song Writer; Sunday School Teacher; and Fellowship Group Leader, just to name a few.

pastor maurice gray, Treasurer

Pastor Maurice Gray was named Treasurer for WBWF in July of 2022. Maurice and his wife Christina are residents of Medway, Maine.




Shanna Hoskison & Marie Chance

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